Survival Science

     This elective course covers topics including GPS, compass skills, mapping skills and making maps.  Montana mammal identification and their role in the ecosystem is also covered.  Students will also study Forest Ecology and how to maintain the forest properly for multipurpose use. Survival in all weather that one may encounter while on a Montana Mountain Adventure is also covered. This course utilizes the outdoor classroom setting as much as possible.  We will be taking field trips around the school as well as to the Mountains.  This class is project and lab-oriented.  The course focuses on our region of Montana.  This course is counted for a lab based science for college acceptance.   Some field trips (pending funding) are required for this class.

All notes and assignments will be attached on the calendar above about a week in advance.  To insure you have access to this calendar, click on the add button in the lower right hand button.  This will add the Survival Science to your own Google Calendar.  If you are gone, click on the assignment tab and open the attachment.  You may print out a copy if you have access to a printer or you may write down the answers on a separate sheet of paper.  



Required Materials:


3 ring binder

Note book Paper
